The 2015 Hispanic Heritage Month Series – Politics

By October 29, 2015 Short Studies

During Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM), from Sept. 15- Oct. 15, the category of Politics was the biggest topic discussed during the month-long celebration. In addition, OYE! research included the week prior to the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month to gather any announcements of anticipated events and celebrations.

hispanic politics and interests

A Twitter post from Hispanic Heritage Month stressing the importance of registering to vote.

A Twitter post from Hispanic Heritage Month stressing the importance of registering to vote.

National Voting Registration Day was on September 22nd and 43% of the total political conversation were posts urging Hispanics to register to vote for the November elections coming up.  President Obama mentions took 13% of the political conversation with images of his speech during the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI).





hispanic heritage month politics per channel, Facebook with 93%

Over 90% of the political conversations during HHM came from Twitter, a significant amount of these were retweets of CHCI posts as well as mentions of how to register to vote for those who have yet to register for the November elections. Interesting to find were statistics such as that, “12.2 million eligible Latinos are not yet registered to vote.”  These posts were found to encourage Hispanics to register to vote prior to the next election.

Hispanic Politics Sentiment, 55% neutral

Positive conversation was sparked by mentions of National Voting Registrating Day, again urging Hispanics to register for the upcoming elections in their respective states. Supporters of Hillary Clinton also helped produce positive sentiment with heavy mentions of encouragement for the favored democrat. There was little negative sentiment found in this category, only 0.4%, mostly driven by mentions of the GOP debate that also carried the #HHM hashtag.

Hispanic Politics Language, 95% is english

Similar to the overall HHM conversation in 2015, over 90% of all mentions were in English. In fact, 95% of the conversation was in English powered by mentions of President Obama as well as the importance of voting. Spanish and Bilingual chatter was also led by Voting and Obama mentions.

Just the Beginning…

Keep an eye out and subscribe to the OYE! monthly blog update here as we will be posting 4 additional topic breakdowns of Hispanic Heritage Month conversation including a focus on: 1. Overall 2. Sports 3. Brands 4. Celebrities 5. Universities

More Info on Hispanic Politics?

Hungry for more on Hispanic Heritage Month? Let us know what topic you are curious about and we will be happy to provide a sample data set for you. Contact us using the form below.


This analysis covers over 44,000 conversations gathered from Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and forums about the topic of Hispanic Heritage Month. All data was pulled between September 8th and October 15th of 2015.

*Note: this blog is a brief summary of all the insights. If you or your company would like to more information, please contact us via the contact form at bottom.