What To Know About Social Media Strategy With Web3 On The Rise

By June 5, 2022 Social Media Trends Web Design

To help you create social media strategies that align with Web3, we asked social media managers and Web3 enthusiasts for their top insights on what is coming. From anticipating ID authentication with Blockchain to expecting automation across all social media platforms, several ideas may help you formulate preemptive strategies to take full advantage of Web3 applications across social media marketing.

Here are five things to consider for Web3-based social media strategies:

  • Anticipate ID Authentication with Blockchain
  • Center Everything around the Customer
  • Prepare for Mass Integration
  • Create a Flexible and Adaptable Strategy
  • Expect Automation across all Social Media Platforms

Anticipate ID Authentication With Blockchain

Megha Gaedke of KetoConnect states, “One thing to consider when forming a social media strategy with the rise of Web3 is the potential for blockchain technology to be used to authenticate user identities. This could help reduce the incidence of fake accounts and spam on social media platforms. Since blockchain-based identity verification is still in its early stages of development, it may be some time before it is widely adopted by social media platforms. In the meantime, other measures, such as increased account verification and improved user reporting mechanisms, can help to combat fake accounts and spam.”

Center Everything around the Customer

Gary Warner of Joloda Hydaroll explains, “The customer should be the most important consideration for any social media strategy that is preparing for Web3. Web3 will be all about the user and putting them at the center of everything, therefore the key to success will be in building strong and meaningful relationships directly with customers. Any social media strategy should focus on this as its most critical component. Creating generic content will become less and less valuable, and increasingly businesses will need to focus instead on relationship building with individual users. It will be a great opportunity to build trust and loyalty, and there will be a lot of value in creating a long-term relationship with your ideal customer.” 

Prepare for Mass Integration

Devin Schumacher with SERP discusses that “With the coming mass adoption of Web3, social media stands to benefit a great deal if it prepares itself for mass integration; counterintuitive to social media’s current lifecycle as monopolized, stand-alone platforms. Web3 aims to erase those dividers and unite platforms across all mediums, empowering the user. If social media wants to survive and thrive, it must prepare itself for mass integration and cede at least some of its control, if not all, of user’s data to the user. Even once the user has possession and control of his/her data, they will likely continue to interact with the established platforms, only now more on their terms. When interacting with anything on their own terms, users are more likely to adopt it.  In other words, evolve or perish.”

Create a Flexible and Adaptable Strategy

Brian Meiggs of My Millennial Guide shares his thoughts, “There are a few things to consider when formulating a social media strategy in the age of Web3. First, it’s important to understand that the web is evolving and that new technologies are emerging. This means that your social media strategy needs to be flexible and adaptable to change. Secondly, you need to be aware of the different platforms and how they work to ensure that your content is being seen by the right people. Finally, you need to consider how you can use social media to create value for your business or brand. By understanding these key components, you’ll be able to create a social media strategy that will help you succeed in the ever-changing landscape of the internet.”

Expect Automation Across All Social Media Platforms 

Robert Burn with Nuleev shared, “Web3 brings blockchain with it, which also brings decentralization. We are seeing more and more decentralization each day. This indicates older institutions giving way to much more democratized systems. Rather than having a handful of tech giants, more and more platforms will be used. Businesses have to prepare for this, and I’m certain that developers are looking to take advantage of social media marketing spread out much more by automating posts across multiple platforms. Anyone who is connecting with customers on social media will make their lives much easier with automation, and it will become a critical component of SMM in the not distant future.”

Nativa would like to thank Terkel for their help in creating this article. Read more Nativa articles on social media trends.