Multicultural Influence at CES | Multicultural Analysis

By February 27, 2020 Technology

Multicultural Analysis for CES

Project Description

CES is one of the biggest tech conferences in the United States that happens every year. According to CES itself, there were more than 4,400 companies exhibiting, over 250 conference sessions and more than 170,000 attendees from 160 countries.

In this report, the OYE! software was utilized to deliver data on the multicultural influence at CES 2020 based on social media conversations on Twitter about the CES conference during the dates of 1/7/2020 – 1/10/2020. Insights cover the multicultural influence at CES through the analysis volume, language, gender, location, keyword word cloud, and top shared posts.

This analysis was extrapolated from a sample of 143,537 Twitter conversations online discussing cancer of which 4,785 were from verified Hispanics and 2,094 conversations were from verified African Americans.

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