Hard Seltzer Brand Preferences | Multicultural Analysis

By December 12, 2019 Consumer Packaged Goods Food & Beverage Retail

Project Description

Hard seltzers have gained a lot of attention recently. These alcoholic drinks have been changing the way that people imbibe, and have been on the rise in consumption. With new brands coming out recently, the multicultural market has definitely become interested in seeing what these new brands are about. This report dives into the multicultural opinion on these different hard seltzer brands.

In this report, OYE! software was utilized to deliver Hispanic and African American consumer insights based on social media conversations on Twitter about the opioid epidemic during the dates of August 22nd – November 22nd, 2019. Insights cover volume, language, gender analysis, location, keyword word cloud, and top shared posts.

This analysis was extrapolated from a sample of 112,060 Twitter conversations online discussing the opioid epidemic of which 2,478 were from verified Hispanics and 1,842 conversations were from verified African Americans.

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