Economic Impact of Coronavirus | Multicultural Analysis

By April 13, 2020 Health

Project Description

As we continue OYE research on Coronavirus (COVID-19), the newest installment of our multicultural research has a focus on the economic impact of coronavirus among diverse audiences. In this report, OYE software was utilized to deliver multicultural discussion of coronavirus analysis based on social media conversations on social media during the dates of 4/2/2020 – 4/6/2020. Insights cover language, gender analysis, location, keyword word clouds, and top shared posts.

Key Points Discussed:

  • Spanish usage among Hispanics was very high (45%), which is much higher than standard OYE reports.
  • When reviewing discussion of the impact of coronavirus on the economy among African American social media users, Washington D.C. accounted for roughly 50% of all tracked conversations by city/region.
  • Four of the top five categories of discussion for Hispanics, African Americans and White Americans were very similar and included SBA loans, Stimulus Checks, The Economy, and Unemployment.
  • The most positively discussed categories for all 3 ethnicities (Hispanics, African Americans and White Americans) was SBA loans.
  • The most used hashtag by African Americans and White Americans was #paycheckprotectionprogram which was unique as long hashtags usually do not trend as high.

This analysis was extrapolated from a sample of 200,000 Twitter conversations online discussing coronavirus of which 6,844 were from verified Hispanics and 3,098 were from verified African Americans.

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