Why a Hispanic Marketing Agency in Ohio?

By February 7, 2014 Multicultural Marketing Multicultural Retail Marketing Translation

An Argentine in Ohio

As you may know, people in the Hispanic marketing industry are always on the go. Almost every week I am flying out to client meetings, conferences and events across the United States. I find it very interesting when people ask me why I, an Argentinean from birth, decided to move to Ohio and start my own Hispanic marketing agency here instead of Miami or Los Angeles. They certainly give very little credit to Ohio and the great opportunities that it offers to Hispanics and their businesses. That is why today I would like to share with you some of the reasons why I believe Ohio matters to the Hispanic marketing industry.


Hispanic Influence in Ohio

Ohio is a very diverse state.  According to the 2006 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, Ohio’s Hispanic population grew by 22.4 percent since 2000 and more than doubled since 1980. African Americans now represent 12.9 percent of the population, and several other minorities have made Ohio their preferred location to live. Hispanics however, are the fastest growing minority group in the state.

Ohio is also home to major corporations such as Wendy’s, Macy’s, The Limited Brands, Battelle, Kroger Co. and Procter & Gamble (P&G); corporations that understand the value and importance of Hispanics’ growing purchasing power. Wendy’s CMO, Craig Bahner, recently said in an interview:

 “Hispanic consumers as a group are growing in purchasing power and influence, and we need to build the brand with them”.

Wendy’s marketing spend on Hispanic media last year was close to $11.7 million and they are planning on increasing media spend by double digits this year. In addition, the company recently unveiled its “Rojos” campaign that aims at portraying Hispanics who live in two worlds, combining a personal life with Hispanic roots within an English-speaking country.

The retail chain Macy’s is partnering with acclaimed magazine Vanidades in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. In a statement, Dineen Garcia, Macy’s vice-president of Diversity Strategies, said:

“Macy’s recognizes and values the deep heritage and influence Latinos have contributed to our nation not only in fashion, but music, food, and every aspect of culture. As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Macy’s is proud to commemorate those contributions with great special events in stores nationwide.”

There are many more examples of Ohio corporations that are stepping up their game in the Hispanic marketing industry in an effort to capture a market that is rapidly growing in size and buying power.  However, going into detail on every single one of them would require considerable time, perhaps I’ll do it in another blog post!

Opportunity for Hispanic Marketing

Finally, unlike many other Hispanic markets such as Miami or Los Angeles, Ohio is not overloaded with agencies that focus on the Hispanic market. As a Hispanic marketing agency you can’t really ask for more; you have thriving companies with a national presence in the area that are fiercely trying to connect with the Hispanic market.  And what’s even better for our agency is that there are only a few agencies that offer the type of knowledge and expertise that can really resonate with this growing market. That is why I have chosen Ohio as the home for my company, Nativa, and why I believe having a Hispanic marketing agency in Columbus Ohio makes absolute sense.


Company description

Nativa is a multicultural communications agency that focuses on the Hispanic market through digital communications, online advertising and culturally relevant content creation. Nativa also provides traditional marketing services through strategic partnerships with specialized agencies.





Hispanic Stats

Ohio stats