How are gyms faring among various stay-at-home orders during a global pandemic? As the pandemic settled in America, many of the norms were stripped away, including daily gym routines. Gyms quickly became regarded as a hotspot…
Welcome to our new Phoenix interns! As Nativa gets settled into the new year, we have also brought on 4 new interns. Interns work on projects that interest them to get hands-on work in the…
How can we Kickstart “Gen-Z” on their Career Path? At the end of last year, December 18-19 2020, our cofounder, Natasha Pongonis of both Nativa Multicultural Communications and O.Y.E. Business Intelligence was invited to speak at El País con…
How are NFL teams really resonating among a diverse audience? Football is a large part of American culture that harbors passionate fans, their love for the game, and a strong desire to win. The various NFL…
Let’s take a look at comics. They’re the foundation of the top selling blockbusters in the past decade. It’s clear that the two top contenders in the comic realm are Marvel and DC. They both…