Cars, Chips, and Local Eats | Which Super Bowl Ads Were Most Popular Among Hispanic Audiences?

By March 3, 2021 Case Studies Multicultural Sports Marketing Podcasts Social Media Listening

Do you watch the Super Bowl for the football or for the ads?

This is a staple question among Super Bowl viewers around the nation. While some have a passion for the sport, others are curious about what brands will do with their 30-second, multi-million dollar commercial slot. With the whirlwind of a year that preceded it, this year’s Super Bowl was bound to have memorable commercials. And that’s exactly what we got. Many brands stuck to their own agenda while others played off of current political and social events to build their ad around. O.Y.E. analysis was able to reveal which type of ads resonated to answer our question; Which Super Bowl Ads Were Most Popular Among Hispanic Audiences? 

For this report, the O.Y.E. social listening tool was implemented to gather insights regarding which ads were heavy hitters for the audience. Cadillac, Cheetos, Doritos, Jeep, Pringles, Tide, Toyota, and Uber Eats are the eight companies that are analyzed in this report. In terms of volume, the Uber Eats ad promoting local eateries was the most popular among the Hispanic audience. Similarly, Uber Eats was the most popular among the Black audience. Diverse consumers steering the conversation discussed the logistics behind certain commercials, opinions on celebrity cameos, and input on the more politicized ads.

This analysis is extrapolated from a data set of 150,273 conversations on Twitter, of which 45,574 are from verified U.S. Hispanics and 25,398 are from verified Black Americans. All data was gathered between 1/29/2021 – 2/8/2021. Check out the resources below, including a downloadable case study, videocast, and podcast. Enjoy!

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most popular superbowl ads among hispanic audiences

Downloadable Case Study

Download the Case Study here: How Engaging are Super Bowl Ads with the Hispanic Audience?



See the full videocast here:


Listen to the full audio on Spotify here:

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