The Dangers of Using a General Market Agency When Targeting Hispanics – Part 2

By June 28, 2013 Advertising - Social Media Multicultural Marketing Podcasts

Do you use Facebook to advertise or promote your business? Or, have you thought about using Facebook ads to reach more potential clients and grow your business?

When targeting Hispanics with Facebook ads there are some things you should know.

In this episode of the podcast I talk to Eric Diaz, co-founder of Nativa, about the potential dangers of using a general market agency when targeting Hispanics using Facebook ads. Eric talks about what mistakes he saw a general market agency, without the proper knowledge, make when targeting Hispanics and how that impacted their client’s image.

In the industry news segment of the show we talk about what Facebook hashtags could mean for businesses in the future.

Please leave a comment and let us know how Facebook ads have worked (or not worked) for your business.




Check out Options to Reach Hispanics With Facebook Ads to learn more about Facebook advertising.

If you want to hear a certain topic or challenge addressed in one of our podcasts, please leave a comment below.

Nativa is an online Hispanic marketing agency in Columbus, Ohio and Phoenix, Arizona. Nativa uses social media, online marketing, and compelling storytelling to engage Hispanic fans for a variety of companies in many different industries. See more at Nativa’s Facebook page.