Multicultural Lunch and Learn with Nativa: Data-Driven Insights

By November 11, 2019 Events

Multicultural Lunch and Learn with Nativa – “Data-Driven Insights: Discover the authentic voice of the fastest-growing group of consumers”

As America grows more diverse, minority groups are becoming “Super Consumers.” Multicultural consumers are the fastest-growing segment and are not only transforming the U.S. mainstream but driving buying power with an estimated $3.2 trillion in 2018. Using data analytics, brands can uncover demographic and psychographic insights among Hispanics and other minority consumers, regardless of the language they speak.

This Multicultural Lunch and Learn presentation will dive deep into the topic that users may share the same language, but traditions and buying habits are directly connected with their culture, family values, ethnicity, and generation.

Key takeaways include:

1. How to develop and implement strategies reaching the Latinx and multicultural market
2. How to align new technology with the shift of demographics
3. Understanding online behavior across different levels of acculturation
3. Multicultural influencer marketing outreach, Henkel case studies

multicultural lunch and learn









Please fill out the brief form below to confirm your interest in the Lunch and Learn and we will follow up to set a date. Virtual Lunch and Learns are an option as well on a case by case basis.