Hispanics Talk National Preparedness Month

By December 28, 2015 Short Studies

OYE! technology can analyze real-time and historical online conversations. This past September during National Preparedness Month, the OYE! team decided to analyze Instagram to see what Hispanics and non-Hispanics said about preparing for natural disasters. OYE! looked specifically at natural disaster keywords in English and Spanish related to topics such as: Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Floods, Fires, Tropical Storms, and National Preparedness Month itself.

Hispanics on National Preparedness Month

Hispanics on Instagram discussed preparing for Earthquakes the most (62%) compared to non-Hispanics with only 10% on that disaster topic. Non-Hispanics more often mentioned preparing for Hurricanes as this was found to be their number one disaster topic (48%) compared to Hispanics who only mentioned preparing for Hurricanes with 18% of the overall conversation.

Non-Hispanics on National Preparedness Month


Non-Hispanics discussed Floods in 29% of the disaster conversation during National Preparedness Month while Hispanics had Floods as the third most common disaster topic with 13% of the conversation.  As seen from the graph, Flooding was a more important topic for non-Hispanics while Hurricanes was more often a focus for Hispanics.


Hispanics on National Preparedness Month in the US

Hispanics locations

OYE! also looked at the different locations in the US where conversation was taking place for Hispanics and non-Hispanics. Hispanics from the Florida area had the most mentions of Hurricanes. In the southern California area, Floods was the most mentioned disaster topic among Hispanics.

Non-Hispanics on National Preparedness Month in the US

Non-Hispanics Locations map

Non-Hispanic conversation on National Preparedness Month was scattered all around the west and east coast. In the California area there were mentions of Hurricane preparedness and on the East coast mentions concentrated on Hurricanes and Floods.

Overall, Hispanics and Non-Hispanics alike were most concerned with Hurricanes, Flooding, and Earthquakes however they differed in their order of concern by ethnicity.


This analysis covers  3,000 verified Hispanic conversations gathered from Instagram about the topic on National Preparedness Month.  A sample of over 2,000 general market conversations were analyzed as well to provide comparisons between ethnicity. All data was pulled between September 1st  and September 30th of 2015.