How Food Delivery Apps Are Ranking with Black and Hispanic Audiences

By March 12, 2021 Case Studies Podcasts Social Media Listening

Which Food Delivery Apps are Black and Hispanic Audiences Frequenting?

As society learns how to adapt to Covid-19 regulations, figuring out dinner plans has become a new concern among many households. The anxiety over safety when it comes to grocery shopping or being in public spaces, along with dine-in regulations, caused food delivery apps to rise in popularity. Therefore, curiosity rose to see which apps were most popular among multicultural audiences. We at O.Y.E. wondered what might cause user spikes in specific apps? Regionality? Advertising? Food types offered? Why are Black and Hispanic audiences choosing one app over the other?

For this report, the O.Y.E. social listening tool was implemented to gather insights regarding which apps were most discussed among the audience. Uber Eats, Postmates, Instacart, DoorDash, and Grubhub are the five companies that are analyzed in this report. DoorDash was most popular among Black Americans and Postmates ranked highest for Hispanics. The conversations surrounding these apps posed interesting takes as the pandemic changed how people valued their drivers as well as sanitary habits. Consumers also discussed their annoyance with extra fees along with customer service experiences, good and bad.

Methodology – Food Delivery Apps Rank Black and Hispanic Audiences

This analysis is extrapolated from a data set of 55,448 conversations on Twitter, of which 15,975 are from verified U.S. Hispanics and 11,705 are from verified Black Americans. All data was gathered between 12/14/2020 – 1/15/2021. Check out the resources below, including a downloadable case study, videocast, and podcast. Enjoy!

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food delivery apps among diverse audiences

Downloadable Case Study

Download the Case Study here: Satisfying Cravings Has Never Been Easier With Food Delivery Applications


See the full videocast here:


Listen to the full audio on Spotify here:

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