Instagram Election 2016 Hispanic Political Tracker 9/12 – 9/18

By September 22, 2016 Political Tracker

In this third weekly analysis, OYE! continues to analyze gender, language, sentiment, and share of voice among U.S. Hispanics discussing the presidential candidates. There were several interesting swings this week, in particular in the areas of sentiment and language. Read the previous two weeks of the Hispanic Politics tracker here: Week 1 Hispanic Political Tracker & Week 2 Latino Political Tracker.

Hispanic Politics

WEEK OF 9/12 – 9/18 ANALYSIS


On Instagram this week we see that Trump mentions among Hispanics continued to be significantly higher than Clinton’s at a rate of 92% vs. 8%.

Hispanic Politics

It is interesting to see that this week out of all conversation about candidate Clinton 73% was male, which was slightly higher than Trump who had 60% of conversations come from men. Female conversation continues to be steady for Trump at 40% this week, compared to 41% the previous week.

Hispanic Politics

This week candidate Clinton showed a decrease in Spanish conversation at 23% compared to 33% last week. English conversation increased slightly among Hispanics for both candidates, up to 65% (61% last week) and 68% (up from 59% last week) for Trump and Clinton respectively. When it came to bilingual conversation, Trump dropped to 22% bilingual mentions compared to last week (25%). Bilingual conversation remains steady for Clinton at 9% compared to 8% last week.

Hispanic Politics

In regards to sentiment this week, Trump had a higher percentage of positive sentiment compared to Clinton, at 28% and 17% respectively. Aslo, Clinton had a significant decrease of positive sentiment from 44% last week to 17%. Finally, Trump decreased in negative conversations this week at 15%, compared to last week at 21%


This analysis is based on a sample of 944 U.S. Hispanic conversations in which one candidate was mentioned exclusively. OYE! analyzed hashtags, ‘#Trump2016’ and ‘#Clinton2016’. The data was gathered from Instagram between September 12, 2016 – September 18, 2016.


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