Instagram Election 2016 Hispanic Political Tracker 9/5 -9/11

By September 15, 2016 Political Tracker

2016 Hispanic Political Tracker

In this second weekly analysis, termed the 2016 Hispanic Political Tracker, OYE! analyzed gender, language, sentiment, and share of voice among U.S. Hispanics discussing the presidential candidates. We will add new sections in future weeks, as well as expand hashtags searched to increase the volume of mentions. Read last week’s Hispanic Political Tracker here.



Week of 9/5 – 9/11 Analysis


On Instagram this week we see that Trump mentions among Hispanics continued to be significantly higher than Clinton’s (90% vs. 10%) but Clinton did show an increase in mentions compared to last week’s analysis where she only captured (3%).


Clinton this week led in proportion of female conversations (67% compared to Trump’s 41%) while Trump continued to have a higher proportion of male mentions with 59%, a slight drop from last week (69%).


Clinton had a higher percentage of mentions in Spanish this week with 33% while Trump had high bilingual Hispanic mentions (mix of English and Spanish) on Instagram with 25%. The majority of mentions for both candidates were in English.

Latino political tracker

In terms of sentiment, Clinton continued to have a higher percentage of positive sentiment in mentions compared to Trump, 44% and 21% respectively. Trump had high negative sentiment (21%) which was a small decrease from last week’s figure of 25%.


Latino Political Tracker Methodology:

This analysis is based on a sample of  1,100 U.S. Hispanic conversations in which one candidate was mentioned exclusively. OYE! analyzed hashtags, ‘#Trump2016’ and ‘#Clinton2016’. The data was gathered from Instagram between September 5, 2016 – September 11, 2016.

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