OYE! Analytics Goes International: Mexican Gubernatorial Elections 2017

By May 9, 2017 Political Tracker Short Studies


During the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections, OYE! collected real-time data across different social media forums to track online conversations about top candidates. As our neighbor country to the south is preparing for gubernatorial elections in 2017, OYE! analyzed conversations within the country to determine early statistics for current official candidates: Alfredo del Mazo, Josefina Vázquez Mota, and Delfina Gómez.

OYE! reports deliver insight on what English, Spanish, and bilingual speaking Hispanics have to say about a particular topic. Data analytics provide an effective way to monitor trends and behavior among online users. In the case of politics, it can provide insights toward relevant topics of conversations, sentiments toward a candidate or another; as well as providing the impetus for a meaningful marketing campaign based on this data.

In politics, knowledge is power.

Tracker Methodology:

This analysis was extrapolated from a sample of 4,515 conversations on Twitter and Instagram of which 4,391 were from verified users in Mexico. All Twitter data was pulled from March 15, 2017 – March 19, 2017. All Instagram data was pulled from February 18, 2017 -March 18, 2017.

Gender – Mexican Politics Analysis:

mexican-politics-analysis-genderA high percentage of males are actively sharing conversations about Mexico’s current politics. Hispanic males mentioned candidate Del Mazo (69%) by a large margin over females (31%). Surprisingly, males are leading the overall conversation regarding Delfina Gómez (85%) over females (15%). Josefina Vázquez Mota sees the strongest engagement from the female audience (44%).

Sentiment – Mexican Politics Analysis:

Del Mazo has the strongest positive sentiment (55%), followed by Vázquez Mota with a slightly smaller margin (54%). Gómez led negative sentiment (10%), however, review shows that many of these posts included negative language not directed towards her, but to her competition. These posts typically included a popular hashtag among Gómez’s followers, #UnidosconDelfina.

Location – Mexican Politics Analysis:

mexican politics analysis location
Conversations among users peaked in Toluca for Del Mazo, due to a campaign stop he was doing there. Gómez had the most mentions in Mexico City (20%) followed by Vázquez Mota (15%).

Categories – Mexican Politics Analysis:

The most common topic among Del Mazo conversation was regarding Jobs (64%). Vázquez Mota conversation was led with mentions of the hashtag #EdoMex (40%) followed by Change conversation (38%). Mentions of the hashtag #EdoMex and Change were also key with Gómez making up 28% and 27% of her conversation respectively.

Read the complete analysis, download the free Mexico Elections analysis report now.

Learn More About Hispanic Politics, see all OYE Business Intelligence studies regarding the Latino vote.