Hispanic Cancer Analysis

By February 27, 2020 Short Studies

Hispanic Cancer Analysis

How different types of Cancer affect the Hispanic Audience

Cancer is one of the world’s largest health problems. The Global Burden of Disease estimates that 9.56 million people died prematurely as a result of cancer in 2017. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer.

OYE! Intelligence software was utilized to provide an analysis of 6 different types of cancer (Breast, Colorectal, Leukemia, Lung, Pancreatic and Prostate). OYE! reports deliver insight on what English, Spanish, and bilingual speaking Hispanics, as well as African American consumers, have to say about any particular topic. These data analytics provide an effective way to monitor trends and behavior among online users aiding in this hispanic cancer analysis. In the case of cancer, it can provide insights towards relevant topics of conversations, as well as providing a spark to create relevant, in-culture marketing campaigns based on this data.

OYE! Multicultural Analysis Methodology

This analysis was extrapolated from a sample of 138,758 conversations on Twitter, of which 5,665 were from verified Hispanics. All data was gathered from February 12, 2020-February 19, 2020.

Favorite Topics Among Hispanics

Hispanic Cancer Analysis

Health insurance was very popular among multiple types of cancers among the Hispanic community. The types of cancer that mentioned conversations about health insurance were Breast Cancer (3.6%), Colorectal Cancer (2.3%), and Prostate Cancer (3.9%).

Language of Choice Among the Hispanic Audience

Hispanic Cancer Analysis

Notably, for Hispanics, English made up the majority of online conversations during the time range of analysis. For Breast Cancer (66.1%), Spanish dominated online conversations. Breast Cancer had the highest portion of Spanish online conversations than any other type of cancer by a significant margin.

There were not many bilingual tweets, only 4.5% overall. Most tweets about cancer were either all in Spanish or all in English showcasing that Hispanics tend to post purely in English or pure Spanish

Hispanic Cancer Analysis

Overall, Hispanic males made up the majority of online conversations. However, Hispanic males dominated online conversations for just Prostate Cancer (74%) and Breast Cancer (63.4%).

But that is not all. We have just scratched the surface here, see the full report for additional CES 2020 Hispanic audience conversation as well as trends in African American discussion at the conference.

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