Petco vs Petsmart: Diverse Conversations Surrounding Popular Pet Stores

By March 31, 2021 Case Studies Podcasts Social Media Listening

Is Fido’s Food Coming from Petsmart or Petco?

Pet ownership in the United States is a multi-billion dollar industry and continues to grow every year. Consequently, pet owners seek brick-and-mortar locations to purchase food, toys, grooming supplies, and even medical care or boarding services for their pets. The two largest competitors of pet-supply stores in the United States continue to be PetSmart and Petco (by number of stores and revenue). In this short study, we used the O.Y.E. social listening tool to gain insights into what diverse consumers were saying about PetSmart vs Petco and which store they favored.

In this episode of the Nativa podcast, both brands were analyzed and compared to discover how different demographics, including language, gender, age, and location of diverse audiences influenced the amount of conversation. We also discussed our own experiences with each brand as pet owners. We found preferences are often based on geographical location or even the services offered at each store. One major point discussed is the reasons for certain levels of sentiment towards each brand. The Petco rebranding campaign, as well as a recent advertising deal for ‘Chewy’ (a brand owned by Petsmart), both contributed largely to online conversations for this short study.  The diverse contributors observed in the analysis discussed many different topics for both PetSmart and Petco; some sharing adoptable pets at local locations, opinions on the stores’ pricing online as opposed to brick-and-mortar, and appreciation for the brands’ philanthropic efforts to benefit animals.

This analysis was extrapolated from a data set of 53,182 conversations on Twitter, of which 4,655 were from verified U.S. Hispanics and 2,811 were from verified Black Americans. All data was gathered from 11/24/2020 – 2/25/2021.

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Downloadable Case Study

Download the Case Study here: PetSmart vs. Petco | Where do Diverse Consumers Buy their Pet Products?


See the full videocast here:


Listen to the full audio on Spotify here:

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