Project Description
For the past decade, we have seen rideshare apps emerge into popularity as a new way to get around town. The two main players in the rideshare industry in America are Uber and Lyft. As these apps have grown, so have both the passenger and driver user base. Some passengers use rideshare apps as their primary mode of transportation while many drivers have invested their career into the app and use it as their primary income source.
In this short study, we used the O.Y.E. Intelligence social listening tool to monitor popular rideshare apps diverse audiences discuss and the sentiment around those conversations. With this analysis, we are able to index consumers by sentiment, age, gender, ethnicity, and location to provide the trending conversation topics among each segment. Through this, we are able to gauge people’s opinions on each app and understand which platform they use more frequently.
This analysis was extrapolated from a data set of 63,465 conversations on Twitter, of which 3,393 were from verified U.S. Hispanics and 6,042 were from verified Black Americans. All data was gathered from 12/13/2020 – 1/14/2021.
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