Could a Spanish Simpsons Facebook page have more fans than the English page?

By May 27, 2010 Social Media Engagement

Spanish language pages are becoming increasingly common as more companies try to appeal to the US Hispanic market. Most Spanish language pages for US products have fewer fans than their English version.  But would it surprise you if the Spanish Simpsons page (Los Simpson) had nearly as many fans as the English equivalent?  If so, than you may be astonished to know that the Spanish page is in fact dead even with as many fans (5.6 million) as the English page. While researching we found that very interesting.  We looked at similar Facebook pages such as The Family Guy to see if that was the case with other American TV shows as well.  The Family Guy page has 7.5 million fans on their official English page but only 16 thousand on their official Spanish page. Other shows had similar examples.  It is hard to determine exactly why there are as many more fans of the Los Simpson Page than the English Version , while The Family Guy clearly dominates on its English page.  A few things we noticed though were that the English Simpsons page seems to be less moderated. There is a much higher prevalence of spam posts than on the Spanish page especially given that they have the same amount of fans. Another major contributing factor is fan engagement. The Spanish page has much higher fan engagement.  To measure fan engagement we used our simple index to compare different pages fan engagement respective of the number of fans on each page (see post about the index). So if there is a page with 30 fans and 100 fan posts a week it will have a higher score than a page with 1000 fans but 200 fan posts per week. The Los Simpson page had a roughly 100% greater engagement score than the English page. The reason behind this huge difference is likely a combination of factors.  There are factors such as the type of humor provided by each show which may resonate more or less with a Hispanic audience.  But also very probable to have an impact is the better moderation and more engaging content of the Los Simpson page.!/FamilyGuy?ref=search&sid=Xp1lsi-tuCKZr2ehHPydpw.1013206741..1