With the recent news about Social Media Spanish and DK Web Consulting re-branding under the name Nativa, we would like to make another announcement we think you will like – Nativa now has an office in Guadalajara, Mexico.
You may be asking – why would a Hispanic (multicultural) marketing agency have an office in Mexico? I’m glad you asked.
According to the 2012 United States Census Bureau, 65% of Hispanics living in the United States are of Mexican descent. That means over 33 million people in the United States are of Mexican descent. For the sake of comparison, that’s more people than the entire population in the state of Texas. That’s more people than the population of Ohio and New York State combined. Only Mexico has a larger population of Hispanics than the United States.
Even though Hispanics leave their native country behind to come to the U.S., it’s their culture that stays with them. It’s also their culture that influences what they eat, what they wear, where they buy groceries, and how they spend their money. As a multicultural marketing agency it is important for us to have a pulse on both the U.S. Hispanic market and the market in Mexico, where the majority of U.S. Hispanics originate.
As a business owner or marketer there are many benefits of entering the Mexican market. A study done by McKinsey and Company showed that Mexican consumers are more brand loyal than American consumers, even during a recession. According to the study “…25 percent of the respondents said they would buy less food rather than trade down to save money and buy what they saw as inferior products.” The study shows that during the recession 2% of Mexicans traded down brands as opposed to 11% of the United States market. The fact that Mexicans are more brand loyal than U.S. consumers could lead to many strategic opportunities for many American companies.
Many of the Nativa team members are either from Mexico, have lived there, or currently live there now. We understand how to overcome the barriers that will arise because of culture, language, and inexperience in a totally new market. For everyone in our agency, it just made sense to have a presence in Guadalajara, Mexico. Now that we have an office in Mexico, we are keeping an ear to the street by researching the market, analyzing the competitive landscape, and building relationships with local players.
So whether you are interested in entering the Mexican market or strengthening your current presence in Mexico, contact us to see how we can transfer our capabilities and experience to help you grow your business. Or, if you happen to be in Guadalajara and want to share a bowl of ceviche and a few cold beers, we’d love the company.