When to Partner With a Hispanic Marketing Agency

By October 18, 2013 Case Studies Multicultural Marketing Podcasts

When to Partner With a Hispanic Marketing Agency

As a business owner or marketer you may be interested in marketing to the U.S. Hispanic market and you don’t know where to start. Well, you have a couple of options. You could roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty trying to do it all on your own and see what happens. Or, you could reach out to a Hispanic marketing agency with years of experience in a variety of industries and let them take on the challenges that lie ahead. That leads me to my first question:

 How do you find a good Hispanic agency Partner?

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In this podcast Eric Diaz gives you advice from his five years of experience on how you can effectively partner with a Hispanic marketing agency. Learn about what internal capabilities an agency should have and how to assess their previous Hispanic marketing work. Also in this podcast, Eric explains what specific indicators you can look out for to determine a good fit between you and the Hispanic agency.

With so many important factors like how and when to partner with an agency, take a minute and listen to this podcast. Then you can choose to roll up your sleeves and work or start your search for the right Hispanic agency for your business.




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This podcast was inspired by a presentation given by Lara Ketler and Nativa owners Natasha Pongonis, and Eric Diaz. View the presentation slides on slideshare.net by clicking HERE.

Nativa is an online Hispanic marketing agency in Columbus, Ohio and Phoenix, Arizona. Nativa uses social media, online marketing, and compelling storytelling to engage Hispanic fans for a variety of companies in many different industries. See success stories from our clients by clicking here.