Trump vs. Biden: Who holds the Minority Vote this Presidential Election

By October 23, 2020 Political Outreach Social Media Listening

With the election closing in and the final debate between the candidates just wrapping up, we looked at the data to see who holds the minority vote this presidential election. The report in this post is the third iteration of our social listening following the minority voter intent during the presidential election. We used the same data collection process of filtering conversations about the candidates by those who mention a variation of the word vote within close proximity of the candidate’s name. This allowed us to mostly gather tweets signifying voting intent, allowing us to gain a better understanding of who has the minority vote this presidential election. Check out the resources below, including a downloadable case study, videocast, and podcast. Whatever your media consumption preferences, we’ve got you. Enjoy! If you like what you see, check out our other blog posts here

Who holds the Minority vote this Presidential Election

Downloadable Case Study

Download the Case Study here: Who holds the Minority Vote this Presidential Election


See the full videocast here:


Listen to the full audio here:

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